Yonderberry Oil and Petroleum Supply Jetty

Moving the platform - 31 Jan 2023

When the time comes to move the platform, at high tide, the legs are raised just enough to clear the river bed. The floating barge that is being used to collect the removed pieces of jetty must be pulled out from its position alongside the rig. The platform is floating and you can see that because the yellow part of the platform is in contact with the water. (No black underside can be seen.) Since the rig now floats, it can be pushed carefully by the blue tug, Prince Rock, until it is in its new position. Then the legs are lowered to make contact with the river bed once more. Since the water is now shallower, more of the legs are exposed than in the previous position.

Once the rig is in its new position, the barge can be moved back alongside the rig. The barge has two moveable legs to stabilise its position alongside the rig. With its two legs lowered into the mud it cannot move, although the barge remains afloat and is raised and lowered by the tide.

The Prince Rock tugboat is shown at the end of this section.